Advanced filters
You can now filter your course search using advanced filters and sorting mechanisms found in the
dropdown.Below is a description of each advanced filter/sort.
Filters by day(s). This filter is exclusive, meaning it only allows for courses that exactly match the filtered days.
Filters by a range of times. This filter is exclusive, meaning it only allows for courses with times that are all within the filtered time range.
Number of students previously enrolled
Filters by a range of previously enrolled students. This range is exponential since most courses have lower enrollment.
Course number
Filters by a range of course numbers. This is
the enrollment; it is the number in the course code.School
Filters by school(s).
Number of credits
Filters by the number of credit(s).
Sort by guts
Sorts courses by gut ratings. A gut rating is calculated by subtracting the workload rating from the overall rating, thus creating a sort that can be used to find courses with the highest overall ratings and the lowest workload ratings.
Filters courses based on if they have a specific attribute (cancelled, first-year, graduate, discussion section). Unlike the other advanced filters, these are permanently saved until you change them.