With 2.1, we are standardizing the rating name conventions.
In the past, there has been some confusion regarding the different ratings and their names.
On the Catalog, there are three main ratings that will be used.
This is the rating based on the course evaluation question, "What is your overall assessment of this course?".
This is the rating based on the course evaluation question, "Relative to other courses you have taken at Yale, the workload of this course was:".
A note on tildes and N/As
By default, the overall and workload ratings displayed are for the course when taught by the same professor, including all cross-listed courses.
If the current listed professor has not taught the course before, then a tilde (
) will denote that the rating is the average across all previous professors.
If the course has not been taught before (or has a new course code), then
will be displayed.
This is the average overall rating across all the courses taught by that professor.
If there are multiple professors, we take the average between the professors' ratings.