Select courses to hide (already taken, etc.)
Christopher Ye
I think it might be helpful for students to be able to mark the classes that they have already taken, and be able to manually show/hide these. Adding on to that, I also think having the ability to show/hide the classes that are not able to be taken anymore as a result of taking a higher level (e.g. being able to hide General Chemistry when a student has already taken Organic Chemistry since they are not allowed to then take General Chemistry). Thank you!
Joshua Chen
Joshua Chen
Merged in a post:
Allow for "crossing out" courses
Bill Feng
For each class, have the option of marking it as for sure not planning to take, i.e. if you took it already or are not interested and don't want to look at it again when browsing.
Add a view to hide all "crossed out" courses.
Joshua Chen
under review